

Whether Ruhrpott or Reykjavik, food start-up or energy company – we are convinced that projects should always fulfill a purpose. 

And we want to get this message out there. With interviews & reports, we provide valuable insights about exciting Purpose Projects that inspire and challenge the status quo.

Every two weeks, we draw attention to topics, people, projects and companies whose innovative ideas, plans and intentions are making our globe a better, more efficient and more sustainable place to live.

Purpose Pitches | Pott Edition | Volume 2

🎉 Leute – es ist mal wieder Zeit für eine neue Sonderfolge! Es ist wieder soweit: Die (Ruhr-)Pott Edition der Purpose Pitches ist zurück für Runde 2! Das heißt:...

#67 Lubomila Jordanova von Plan A | What’s the purpose of decarbonization?

Yes, you see it right – Purpose Projects is back in English! Our business world is not doing great at fighting the climate crisis by reducing emissions. There is...

#66 Jette Ladiges von El Puente und Jonas von Forum Fairer Handel | Was ist ein faires Business?

Was bedeutet fairer Handel wirklich? In unserer neuesten Episode begrüßen wir direkt zwei Expert:innen auf diesem Gebiet: Jette Ladiges, Geschäftsführerin von El Puente, und Jonas Lorenz, Referent beim Forum...


Moritz Everding

Moritz is busy bringing new business models to life on a daily basis. For every innovation process, his attitude is the same: Profit & purpose belong together and are a unique selling proposition for long term success.

Boris Davidovski

Solutions for a more sustainable world are both passion & profession for Boris. With his research and editorial publications on future topics Boris feels the green transformation of the economy first hand.

Alexandra Schmidt

Alex focuses on topics related to sustainable consumption. With an eye on the start-up scene, she is interested in emerging ideas and start-ups that aim to improve the world in a sustainable way.