Green entrepreneur, climate campaigner, revolutionary industrialist and founder of UK’s first green energy company – Dale Vince is all of the above and more. Enjoy our inspiring conversation!
Ideas and inspiration on how we all can live more sustainably – in essence, this is the purpose that Dale Vince lives by every single day. Besides being a Green Industrial Revolutionist and entrepreneur, an avid climate campaigner and the founder of UK’s first green energy company Ecotricity, Dale is bringing his revolutionary ideas to other areas of business as well.
From building his first windmill in 1996 to taking Forest Green Rovers Football Club vegan in 2015 and becoming a United Nations Ambassador in 2019, Dale has made saving the planet his life’s mission. Dive into our inspiring conversation to find out which football clubs will soon go green, what it means to create sky diamonds and what changes each and every one of us can make in our daily lives in order to live more sustainably.
Tune in and enjoy!
Check out Dale, Ecotricity & Forest Green Rovers here:
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Forest Green Rovers Football Club
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